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Why Veterans Are Winning in Today’s Housing Market

Why Veterans Are Winning in Today’s Housing Market

U.S. military veterans are more optimistic about buying a home in today’s market compared to their civilian counterparts. A recent 2023 survey by Veterans United revealed that 54% of veterans are confident they could secure a home loan now, while on

Jun 13, 2024 | VA Loans

A Veteran’s Guide to Home Loans with Bad Credit

A Veteran’s Guide to Home Loans with Bad Credit

Navigating civilian life after serving in the United States military can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing credit. Fortunately, there are home loan options available specifically for veterans, even those with less-than-perfect credit. F

Jun 04, 2024 | VA Loans

How to Make Your VA Loan Competitive in a Hot Market

How to Make Your VA Loan Competitive in a Hot Market

In the red hot housing market of the past few years, sellers usually have multiple offers, often getting more than their listing price. If you are using a VA loan to back your purchase you may worry that sellers might choose conventional-loan-backed offer

Apr 12, 2022 | VA Loans

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

All of us at Western Ohio Mortgage Corporation would like to wish you and your family a safe and Happy Halloween.

Oct 28, 2020 | Purchasing a Home VA Loans Government Loans

The Best Home Loans for Buying a Fixer-Upper

The Best Home Loans for Buying a Fixer-Upper

You’ve found the perfect property – or at least what could be the perfect property after a few improvements. Upfront repairs and renovations can take a toll on your budget though. Fortunately, there are several mortgage options that will allow

Apr 01, 2020 | FHA Loans VA Loans

Happy Halloween

Here at Western Ohio Mortgage Corporation, we'd like to thank all of our customers and partners for sticking with us. We wish you a happy and safe Halloween. Best Wishes, Western Ohio Mortgage Corporation

Oct 30, 2019 | Purchasing a Home Government Loans VA Loans

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